
Hello And welcome to my personal web site.

This is my personal space to write what I want, about what I want. Please feel free to send me an email with any comments you may have.

I am interested in numerous topics including Sport, Travel, Photography, Politics, Food and Drink, and so much more.

About The Site

Site founded:- Tuesday 18th February 1997.
Site last updated on Tuesday 12th March 2024. 01:04:15

This current version of the site was launched on Tuesday 11th October 2011 and is the third version. Have a look at my other versions and see how styles change over the years.

Who I Am

Originally from Edmonton, North London, now living in Swanscombe, Kent. In the first few years after leaving school, I experienced many jobs in several different industries before pursuing one of my hobbies. I did advertising car photography and some travel photography for 10 yrs then had my own ladies fashion business for a few years before going back into full time education to study computer science. Then managed an online application I developed for the print division of one of the worlds leading stationery companies. Now I drive people for a living, as I drift towards retirement.

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." -Confucius.
For me that was photograpy!!